Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nothing Special. ==

Quite boring today.
School !? Ewww, hate It.
Talked with form teacher In the office during english period today.
You know what? I talked with her for a period. LOL.
Happy. Cause English was boring !
Miss Ng sucks. Honestly. xD
Errm. After that, art period.
I didn't attend the class. kakas.
Walked around the school with JunYuan and DaYu.
Just sat in the library and chat chat chat. ^^
Talked about many things.

And crap ! There's a monster In my class admired me.
NoNoNoNoNo. Not admired. I mean. Had a crush on me !?
What the f***. Hate him alright. He Is disgusting !
Ewww Ewww Ewww. And god. Papa, Mama just keep on talk about him during class.
Hell Hell Hell . I'm going to faint !
Biii.. Come rescue me. ! I don't want saw that monster laa !
I don't really like that guy on the first day In school when I saw him I mean.
First Image was so so so bad. Gosh !
Could anyone teach me how to get rid of him!?
Oh man. Nevermind. Stop talking about him will do.
I don't wanna think about it anyway.
Pollutes my mind.. kakas. I'm so mean.

Errr. Went to Mcdonalds near HengEe after school.
With Jordy and DaYu. Had some revision there.
Met Yiee Jie. ^^
She works there. Chats for a while. When im ordering. LOL.
We're felt so boring there. Sleepy too. ==
Okay Okay. Skip the boring part.
Went back at ummm.. I think 6.50pm.
Sent Jordy back and Dayu at the hostel.
Straight home then. =)

It's all for today i think.
La0g0ng calls dyy. Want go sweet sweet in my room now.
Hehes. Don't jealous laa. I'll upload again tomorrow.

Miss him !

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.

I like that .. <3

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