Thursday, March 12, 2009


Hate SM1A !!
everyone were so fake ..
Why they can't shut their mouth off..??
Be a backstapper..??
I don't think Is a good proper manner..
Please laa.. Think about yourself..
Are you guys the most quiet students in the class..??
Did you never flirt in your whole life..??
Did you..!? If you didn't. Please shut your mouth up.
And stop comment about others.
Saying about others bad word was not a really good attitude you know..!?
Don't make me scold you one day...
I just try to warn you.. Not threatening.. Heard It..??
If you hate me. Just say It out.. Don't be a chicken backstapper..
I will laugh at you.. HAHAHAHA.. I really will..


HuNt3R said...

Don care about those ppls tat say about u.
Jus b a hapi u.
I rmb u was a optimistic ppl..
B hapi ~
REli long time no meet liao..
Keep in contact bah~

Wish u hapi all the time~

fishiie. ♥ said...

uh ermm. me.?
i dun think so..

fishiie. ♥ said...
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