Thursday, May 21, 2009

Funny Thursday. =]

Exam week.
And yet, I didn't even start to prepare my chemistry for tomorrow.
No hope dy.. Aikss.
Had My BM paper today. It's quite easy.
Compare to HengEe, my school's was way easier.
Whole class cheated on the paper today. Paper I and Paper II.

Form teacher had given the exam question last week.
And all of us just copy the answer in a paper and pass here and there.
Lol. I really cant believe it.
Even Ynonne. I mean the Venus (Im Pluto ^^) in our class.
She cheated too. Lol.
She just sit beside me during exam.
And we're like asking question to each other.
Funny. Hah.

Passed my paper to mama ( GuangSoo ) after I finished copying.
He just sit beside me dough. He's cute. And funny. Haha.
The paper dropped and he just stared and me begged me picked up for him.
His eyes were just too big. You will get frightened when u saw him. *chuckles.

Ermm, drove car with Evan, Bc and my brother on monday.
Wow. Creepy. Each of us take turns to drove it. Lol.
My aunt's Myvi. Hah.

[ Ps: we're quite pro actually. we didn't smashed on anything. hahas. went home safety. ]

That's all for today i think.
Because I really need to squeeze my head in the book dyy.
I don't wanna get sacked out of Sm1a.
Im happy in it. To be one of it. ^^

Miss You Laogong.
{I saw your"Im the only BaoBao" in my fs profile dy.}
{Thanks for everything.}
{I appreciate it. I really do.}
Love Ya. Muackss.. <3

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