Sunday, December 13, 2009


Sorry For Not Updating My Blog For So Long. =)
Came Back From Thailand About 2weeks ady.
Went Back To Kelantan Last Week To Attend My Aunt's Wedding.
Just Came Back On Monday.

Too Busy Recently. *sorry~
Need To Prepare Many Things For Next Tuesday.
Going Fukuoka, Japan.
For One Month weyyy.. *damn happy~

But There's Many Things Need To Prepare larhhh..
Speech, Presentation, Dish, Present.
Omg! Too muchh..
But I finished half ady larhh.. Xdd..

Share My Flight's Time with you guys harrr.. kakas!
15th Dec Penang-Singapore 1805-1930
Singapore-Fukuoka 0105-0800
( OMG! 5 hours until transit.. ZzzZzz diee dyy.. )
Nervous Nervous.. ahhaa..
Luckily I Have Friends Beside Me.. ^^

Kay larhhh..
Come back to the topic..
Errr.. Nothing Much To Sayy..
Just Want To Share Some Photo With You Guys..
My Photo During The Trip To Thailand..
25th Nov - 1st Dec.

Have A Look!

Oh Ya. Im Not Going To Be Available For 1 Month..
See All Of You After School Reopen. Hahas!
Text Me if There's Any Thing Urgent owhh~

Hearts Ya'all.
Muackksss <3

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