Gonna write about the things i've been doing these 3days.
So, it's going to be long long post.
With lots of picthas in it.
Ahhaa enjoy ")
8 September 2010. Wednesday.
Went to Gurney with papa, mama, my cousin & my brother.
Watched Cats & Dogs 3D.
One word to describe this movie, LAME.
==" mama chose it.
Later on, sat at Starbucks for coffee after mama went home.
Had a little chit chat over there.
Coz someone is waiting for someone.
But ahha, he get disappointment from it.
So, we went for another movie coz it's too boring.
Hmmm, Old Cow Vs Tender Grass.
This movie was way better than the first one of course.
It's very funny. ahah *thumbs up.
After the movie, it's 9something already.
So off we went home. ")
Reached home about 10. Dad came home and he brought us to Island Plaza.
Ahhaaa for Tutti Fruiti. It's a healthy yogurt store.
Ermm, it's renovated by my dad. And they have free machine test run that day.
So, we went there for testing! xD
The yogurt is nice. Emm Hmm :)
You should go there. It's just beside Coffee Bean.
Fully support!

It's a very simple outing day. <3
9 September 2010. Thursday.
Being scared by Nickz at 4.30am in the morning.
Woke up at 5something.
Headed to Sunrise tower's Mcdonald for gather.

Then off we go at 6something to the Penang National Park for hiking.
Lazy to describe laa actually =P
It's too long. Damn long story. ahha
Hmm, I think i better briefly talk about it laa >.<
We've climbed 3 hill just to get to a very nice beach. ( Pantai Kerachut )
There's many drama happened during the climbing process is going on.
Took a lot of funny picthas, with a drama king in it xD
Such as :

Reach the beach after 1hour 30minutes of climbing.

Had telematches, i cant play due to some reason =P
So, i'll be the camera-woman then ahha xD
They were all playing at the sea after they had their match.
They seems like had a lot of fun although it's raining. Dont cha? :)
All of them went to shower at 11something.
Had our "lunch" after they've cleaned themselves.
There's a lot of snack & it's tasty laa. Really =P
Look :
After The snacks, we walked to the turtle's conservation center to have a look.
But unfortunately, it closed! Coz of Hari Raya. =="
So nevermind, we went to the jetty to start our cam-war. xD
Take a look then :
The boat came at 12.30pm like finally, then we went back to the national park.
Someone suggested to have Piranha at Prangin Mall.
So, Ally & Mr.Sim dropped us there.
Me, Dencent, ShenYong, Nickz & My Brother.
Had our lunch.
Met WanJing there. We had the same movie too. ahha
Later on, we went back after the movie ")
Piranha : Quite nice, but it's really bloody hell.
I should watched it in 3D. owhh man. :(
Looking forward to Piranha 2.
Hmm, as a conclusion.
All of us had a really really nice day. *smile~
10 September 2010. Friday.
Woke up at 11something.
Hang out with Vieann and my gan ma.
Queenss. =)
Had old town as my breakfast. xD
Went window shopping. Bought a bag! Wootsss <3
Met a lot of people there ahah ")
Connie, Theanne, Daniel, Andy, Umiko and so on laa.
Ate Kentucky too xD
Im such a hungry ghost LOL
Ermm, went home at 5pm.
Chat with my dear on the phone.
For an hour + ♥♥
Facebooking, Blogging, Uploading Pictures etc. :)
That's all i think. This post really too long xD
Thanks for your patience ")
Muackssss ♥♥
I miss you so much Dear ")
Faster phone me heheheheh :)
Gonna off to bed now everyone =P
My dear is calling, later xD
Hearts yea. Buhhh Bye~
xxx xxxxx, 本小姐警告你, 人的忍耐性是有限度的..
你最好是不要碰到我的极限, 不然的话我绝对不可能放过你!
奶大又怎样? 号称“波姐”又怎样?
很厉害咩? 你的奶也不是大到哪里去而已!
那么想要男人? 去facebook找啦!
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream.
I Love You, My Valentine ♥
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