Friday, May 1, 2009

1st of May.

Sorry for not updating my blog for so long.
No doubt. Im just too lazy for it. ^^

Err. Went to queens just now. With him of course.
Met old friends. ZhengXian, Tubeng, Timothy, JunXian, ChiaShuen, My primary friend.,
And a group of old school's perfect.
Met Nessa there too. Lol.
Let me told you what's funny that happened today.
All of us went in to a same cinema. For the same movie. At the same time.

Our old school time.
LoL. It's fate i think. Or just some kind of reunion.?
Nahh. I dunknw. No idea for that.

Arrive there at about 12.30pm. Laogong too.
Met him at the motor park and went straight up to the cinema.
For our tickets. Picked on X-men. Cause the others are all 18PL similarly fully-booked too.
Went to The Chicken Rice Shop then. Starving... ==

Errr. Headed to Beads Zone, S&J and umm Living Cabin for something.
Bought some necklace at Beadz Zone cause the old one broke.
Bought a cute fan at Living Cabin too. Wanted to bring it to school.
My class was just too hot for me. Im a fish. I live in water dough. xD.

After our movie, met up with ZhengXian and his gang.
Chit Chat for a while at the ground floor.
[Something happened between here]..Cant talk about it..
Private Confidential.
Laogong was so childish. And that ZhengXian just cant stop laughing at him.
Lol. Silly Moves.

What a nice date huh.? Sighh.
But Im still happy. Kakas.

Look at him.
Played badminton until lidat.
He came to my house few days ago.
We played badminton together. What a happy moment. Lol.

Have a wedding dinner tonight.
Kinduff boring. Doesn't want to talk about it too.
Err. I sang. kakas.
During the karaoke session. Love that moment.
The one and only.

16 days more and we'll be Year and a Half.
Im expecting a surprise on that day.

Love ya. Muackss..
And thanks for today.

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