Sunday, March 1, 2009

I'm back !

Sorry for not updating my blog recently.
2009 starts and 2008 ended.
Honestly, I dun really like this year. Just felt that this year consist of many sadness.
Although I'm busy enough when I transfer to new school. kakas.
But hell man, It's tired alright. Classes end at 4.30pm everyday.!?
I'm sick of It and I really can't stand It anymore.
It's damn freaky tired.

Errr. Exam's coming.
And God!? I din even start study-ing yet.
Just like everyone asked. "How was you in your new school?"
Hahas. I'll answer now. Errrmm.
Everythings seems okay for me in a New School. New Surrounding.
The Law was quite similar with HengEe's.
So I can really adapt myself in It. Seriously.

I'm In class SM1A.
It's a class that combine Science Stream and Perakaunan's student together.
LOL. Strange aight!?
It's only for language period when we're In class together.
During my Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Add-maths' period.
I'll be going to other class.
Do you know how much student was there In science stream?
It's only 9 of us. Heard It? 9!?

The syllabus was way different with HengEe's.
As you know, Im in UEC. Not SPM.
But, I will still apply sitting for SPM personally.
Just like what the principle told me. Personally. LOL.
The standard was so high. It's in STPM syllabus.
Oh Hell No!? STPM?
Honestly ( again? ), It's really hard.
But If I'm hardworking enough. I think I can follow It. ( so confidence? )

Time passed by.
Seems like, I already left HengEe for 3months.
Miss them a lot.
Especially XiaoJie and RongFang. And of course, my Laogong too.
Look At Them. Aren't they just gorgeous?

Other than that. I met new friends.
Yea. New friends.
I have a new family in class.
LOL. There's PaPa, MaMa, PoPo, YeYe, GorrGorr, JieJie and DiDi.
I'll show your their picture next time.
Course Im running out of time.
Hahas. It's my time to go to bed.
I'll be continue upload again.
I Promise. Really.

Miss you my dear.

Love you so much ya.

1 year and 105 days. <3

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